Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Artsy Agenda

Beginning on Monday and continuing until the start of school, a friend and I have planned out a plethera of artistic endeavors with which we can enjoy the end of the summer.

Here are some of this week's plans:

Photography at the park
Friendship bracelets
Baking banana bread (truly, an art form for some)
Walking barefoot outside (again, artsy)

Actually, those were only the plans from the past two days. Does it sound like I've been having loads of fun in artistic expression?! In reality, we never got around to doing any of these things because of late hours at work and more pressing responsibilities than leisure.

On today's agenda, we had thrift shopping for vintage apparel. I believe this adventure is actually quite high in priority- I don't think we can afford to blow it off. You see, we have noticed a startling pattern: We looked like schlubs at the Corn Hill Arts Fest and seemed to be schmucks at the Park Ave Fest. We hope to feel like we fit in more than bell-bottoms in a crowd of skinnies or denim in a sea of neon. Thus, I believe I will make it to Godiva's Vintage Thrift Shop today with my friend.

Image thanks to Nature Graffiti's Blog
I will let you know if I can pull off the artsy look ;)


  1. Before walking barefoot down the sidewalk, you must color the bottoms of your feet with sidewalk chalk.

  2. I have those!!! except the scarf is a little lighter colored and I don't have stripes on the coverall :P

  3. Hehe I'm glad I have so many artistic friends to help me out on this endeavor :P
