Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Anomalous and Anonymous

I understand a post about anomalies may seem exciting.
a·nom·a·ly  /əˈnɒməli/ [uh-nom-uh-lee]

–noun, plural -lies.

1. a deviation from the common rule, type, arrangement, or form.

3. an odd, peculiar, or strange condition, situation, quality, etc.  
But I must forewarn you that those anomalies which I am about to divulge to you are of an anonymous character.

a·non·y·mous   /əˈnɒnəməs/ [uh-non-uh-muhs]


3. lacking individuality, unique character, or distinction: an endless row of drab, anonymous houses.  
Anonymous Anomaly Number 1:

I cannot type with both hands. If you saw me pecking away with my two fingers on this keyboard in Carlson, you would either laugh at me or tell me to quiet down because these keys are far too noisy for a library. The anomalous part of this story is that I am working a new job as an office assistant who must type huge evaluations into a database. You'd better believe that I will be practicing true typing skills from now forward... starting after this blog.

Anomalously Anonymous Number 2:

I wanted to begin a regular habit of posting a series called "Movie Monday" on this blog. I would watch one or two movies per week and post my movie reviews/ movie trailers/ movie clips on my blog every Thursday. Ha! No that's not the anomaly, I would have done it on Mondays. Sorry for the fake out. Anyways, I even went to see a movie last night to help me on this endeavour! But by the time I made it back to a computer after the movie, it was already Tuesday. Lame. The anomaly was averted when I refused to post a Movie Monday review on Tuesday. Although I wrote about it here... My newest idea: Flummery Friday.

Anomaly of Anonymity Number 3:

I went bowling last night. Score from my first game: 73. Score from my second: 51.

Anonymously Anomalous Number 4:

I am Italian and I made pasta last night. My grandma has disclosed her super secret and super delicious recipe for red pasta sauce to me. I bought a basil plant for the express use of cooking said pasta sauce. Anomaly: my half Chinese, half Korean friend has to tell me to water my basil plant daily for it to survive. And I used Danny Wegman's Sun Dried Tomato Sauce on my pasta last night.

I had more anomalies stored up from the past few days, but they have become so anonymous to me, that I cannot bare to continue typing (especially because the letters on this keyboard are mostly worn off.)

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